Sub-regional exchange for the Pacific on the restoration of forests and other ecosystems within a landscape approach
Assessing needs and opportunities for a regional ambition
The overall aim of the workshop is to support Parties in developing and implementing national plans on the restoration of forests and other ecosystems in the context of the short-term action plan on ecosystem restoration. Participating countries will be invited to examine their national targets, plans and objectives, and to review the status of degraded forests and other ecosystems with a view to prioritizing areas for ecosystem restoration. An ambition for ecosystem restoration in the Pacific, including a focus on forests, would be estimated from the national targets.
Given the relatively small forest land area of the Pacific countries compared to the overall Asia-Pacific region, sub-regional coordination between Island nations can be important to ensure the visibility of this group vis-à-vis donors and technical cooperation partners on Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Forest Landscape Restoration.
A sub-regional target for restoration will be considered in the context of the Bonn Challenge for Forest and Landscape Restoration, a political platform that fosters national action to achieve Aichi Target 15 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Participating countries will be invited to:
Examine the targets, plans and objectives that they may already adopted at the national level and consider the steps required to develop specific, measurable and achievable targets, that can contribute to global objectives for ecosystem restoration and forest landscape restoration;
Exchange on their experiences of restoration planning and implementation, among themselves and with key experts on specific aspects of restoration;
Consider the economic dimension of restoration and explore traditional and innovative sources of finance for restoration.