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The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is a multilateral development finance institution established to contribute to the economic development and social progress of African countries.

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Display beautiful landscapes from our beloved Bioland country

Bioland’s coast is about 429 km long. The coast can be dividedinto two different areas: (i) Adriatic coast, with a total length of about 259 km from the border with Montenegro in the north to the Bay of Vlora in the south, generally a sandy one, and (ii) the Ionian coast which runs southeast for 170


The purpose of the workshop is to build capacity and provide guidance on how to establish and sustain effective national clearing‑house mechanisms (CHM), in line with decision X/15 and in support of the national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs).

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, The National Trust of Fiji and NatureFiji-MareqetiViti have discovered a new species of banded iguana The new species of lizard, Brachylophus gau, is one of only four living species of South Pacific iguana, and is…
Out of the 167 freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas identified, mapped and validated throughout the Mediterranean region, 75 percent were found outside the boundaries of any pre-existing protected areas or other KBAs, according to the main results of an IUCN assessment revealed today at the IUCN World…